Do you enjoy participating in gardening activities, but maybe don't have the time or skill to take on the whole "enchilada"?  Attractive benefits of supporting local food production collaboratively include the ability to:
- Make contributions around a flexible schedule
- Have more choice over what is planted/available for harvest
- Tailor the size of your harvest
- Compost and feed other food waste to on-site chickens

Participating in our "sweat equity CSA" could be right for you!  Depending upon the time of year, areas of focus may include, but are not limited to:

* starting seeds in a greenhouse
* planning and successfully making successive plantings
* watering, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, trellising
* soil preparation & maintenance
* transplanting and pruning vegetable plants for maximum health and yield
* harvesting greens year round (or close to it) for daily salads and other vegetables
* preserving methods for harvest not eaten fresh
* orchard fruit maintenance and care

When a share is available, a buy-in fee of $10/year invests the purchaser in the equivalent of one share of the fresh veggies/fruit available in exchange for 3 hours of "sweat equity" participation per week per person.  Help shape the direction of the garden - voice your preference for items!  Current popular staples are kale, tender lettuces, peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, cucumbers, beans, zucchini... 

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